3 weeks from TODAY, I have a date with a wonderfully kind Oncological Breast Surgeon and an awesomely straight forward, heart for Breast Cancer and Pre-Cancerous people Plastic Surgeon! I will go that Monday to Dallas, stay over night and mark 2 things off my list...ha! Right now it's scheduled for afternoon but it may be moved up to the morning which we are obviously hoping for!
My emotions are a daily thing, if not hour by hour. I have some fun things that are starting that are occupying my time. For instance I went to a wedding shower this past weekend for a friend that has been engaged 3 YEARS! Finally right?! It was great, what a family FULL of chaos but also lots of love. This coming weekend my husband participates in a HUGE parade in Dallas for St Patrick's Day. He is a firefighter and he marches with the Pipes and Drums Brigade. Us wives watch from the sidelines along with about another 50,000 or more people cheering them on and drinking beginning at 9 am! We travel then to the area pubs where the Brigade plays for the people and the establishment. We celebrate, eat and drink more and then we go to our hotel where we stay overnight and then go to have a nice dinner with great friends! Two weekends later we my husband and his friend will participate in a challenge that is 12 miles of craziness, mud, walls, electricity?!?! It's the Tough Mudder and claims to be the craziest and most difficult of all the crazy challenges! That will be fun cheering them on for that as well. It will be just 2 days before MY big day. See, I have a few things that will keep me busy that I'm looking forward to! I purposely waited till after March so that I could enjoy a few things.
I am ready to begin this journey. I would say "ready to get it over with" but since it will be about an 8-9 month process I think I would just setting myself up for frustration. Over with would be just that...surgery then done. Beginning would be just that...have the 1st of 3 (possibly 4) surgeries. I'm ready or as ready as I'm going to be anyway.
I still have to write about the Plastic appt but I don't think I can blog that in my phone. I will probably need the computer for that one :). Soon, soon...
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