Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Post-Op Day 1

I'm still here! I really wasn't in any frame of mind to blog last night so I'll hit the highlights. Going into surgery was fine and I was surprisingly calm, well so to speak. I was in quite a bit of pain after surgery. Specifically on my left side. I really feel like that there were serious miscommunications between me and the recovery nurse. I told her that my pain was a "6" and she would just say "yeah, you're going to be there for a few days..." almost condescendingly. I asked what she meant and she replied "at a 5/6 for a few days...". She didn't give me more meds so I had to wait till I got to my room (stayed over night). When I got up there they had to do my vitals even though we just did them in Recovery. The assistant nurse took my left arm out to the side to slip the blood pressure cuff on and sort of jerked it. I screamed! It hurt so effing bad that I almost passed out! He didn't mean to but it set me back some. It freaked my nurse out too so she called for some Morphine and said to do nothing else to me till the Morphine had a chance to work. I got a small amount of relief and we went for it all. I suffered through and they were careful. I never really rested. I had to pee twice that night which is good but Lord was it hard to get up and down! I had a Morphine push every 2 hours from 7:30 till 3. They wanted me to switch to the oral pain meds before I went home to make sure that what I had was going to work. I was scared to (fearing that it wouldn't work and I'd be screwed)but can't take the iv home with me so oral it was. It worked and now the key has been to STAY ON TOP of the meds!!! I'll be honest I'm still working with a 4-6 on the pain number scale. So I've decided that the pain meds aren't going take the pain away, they're just going to let me tolerate it. My husband is so stressed out! I feel so bad for him. He's just so worried and hasn't seen me in pain like that I a long time I guess or ever. For him the worry coupled with past cancer junk. I can understand that.

I came home today around noon. Only I have a surgery and drive directly into an oncoming storm! We beat it by about 10 min and then the bottom feel out. Rain, hail, winds and no nearby tornados but they were off and on in the DFW area :-/. Honestly I wasn't scared, I was so glad to be home I was almost daring a storm to jack with me!

I'm still glad I did this. Of course you don't feel that way when you're hurting but I'm truly happy. I'll write so more tomorrow or the next day :)


  1. You are amazing Kelly! Praying the pain improves. So happy you made it home safe and ahead of the storms. Please let me know if we can do anything. Praying for you and your family.

  2. Thank you for updating. I have been checking in to see when you were able to post. Glad you are doing ok. You sound like it is tolerable but definitely very painful. I hope the pain gets a little better each day. Keep that great attitude up :o)

  3. Hi, I've been reading your blog for a while now....found you through "lifeoverboobs" blog. I just wanted to let you know I am 2 weeks out of surgery tomorrow and feeling MUCH better!! I was in extreme pain in the hospital, spent 2 nights because of it. I stopped taking pain meds on day 5 cause I didn't like how they made me feel and the pain was tolerable. Every day is easier. I got my drains out today and am thrilled!!!! Good luck to you!!!

  4. Thank you Marge this is very encouraging! We need all that we can get right now right? I know this all a game of "time". It's very helpful to have someone right now going though this so close to my time be able to say that at 2 wks it's much better :). Thanks for checking on me.

  5. Glad to hear you are doing well. As each week passes you will be amazed how far you've come. I seem to be very swelled still and my implants seem to want to be too high...something my plastic surgeon said we might have to correct after I get my fill in 2 weeks. He said he might have to go pull them down, yikes! I think though that if they weren't crowding my armpits, I'd feel pretty darn good!!! My blog is Theboobtube-marge.blogspot.com......I think! I always get it wrong, so I think you can click on my name and find it too. continued healthiness to you!
