Thursday, April 19, 2012

Still Have A Drain

Like it says, it's still there. Dr Meade thinks that I look "beautiful" (for what this stage all is) and that I'm healing just like I'm supposed to! My right breast is visibly bruised and he thinks that coupled with the areolas trying to heal, that why all the fluid accumulation. Makes sense. He decided to do an expansion "fill" today for therapeutic reasons. It was in effort to create less space in the foob so, if there is less room in the foob (skin, muscle, expander) then less fluid. That's the goal AND hope.

After surgery I woke up with 200cc in each expander and he did 100cc in each today. Since he did the expansion about 2 wks earlier than planned (explanation above) we are waiting a month to do the next expansion. At first I was like, no way...I don't want to wait a month to get some more foobies....but honestly it's fine. Doing it sooner would hurt my areolas (they're fighting hard and winning I might add for the most part!) and I just need a break! I will have a month break from going to Dallas (minus getting this drain out) and I can get use to the foobies and acclimate to work and so forth and so on. I can also give my SUV a break since I live about 50 miles from my dr in Dallas! I have to add though...I would walk my ass to Dallas to get this drain out if I had NO other choice. I would also pay double the amount in gas to get it removed. Dr Meade gave great hope that Monday would be our day and maybe even tomorrow. He said this fill today will slow it down big time and it could be enough that he WOULD take it out tomorrow. Lets hope :)

I feel good about progress. It's all slower than I want but hey, I'm healthy and I'm here so there ya go. I'm a large "A" cup right now (I would guess) maybe a tad bigger?

I'll let y'all know when it's out ;)

1 comment:

  1. The drains are the WORST! Blah! I had 3 and I was ready to scream by the time they all came out. I am sure you foobies are looking great! Remember its still early days. A couple more weeks + no drains, and you will feel like a new woman!
